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What an innovative idea. Really exciting to play! Great Job

Loved it, the construction and inventory design, the wave balancing and overall addictive, challenging and interesting experience!

A really fun game, can't wait to see more updates!

Great game, easy to play and interesting mechanics. Loved it!


I LOVED THIS SO MUCH!!! The Visuals and Concept are AMAZING 10/10 GORGEOUS GAME 

Really good, the game title is a perfect match for the gameplay !

this game really is a masterpiece in whats it is trying out! looking forward to the full release

(1 edit)
The game is perfect but very short and cannot be replayed other than beating your own record.
Would a challenge system be good like having 5 normal soldiers and five dragons at the same time or having new troops for the wall like catapults, I would kill for a 1vs1 mode with friends fr
I would love to see this game come out with a definitive version, I just offered a couple of rubbish ideas.

It's a nice strategy game, the gameplay was short yet had an addictive core loop.





I really like the demo and waiting for full game :) Good job. 

the guy on the games icon looks like crypto nwo


did you like the game?

Cool demo, fun to play. I lost the first time because I didn't know the boss will be that fat. It would be nice to have a difficulty indicator of next few lines to plan better

Fun game, I think the dragon should be a little stronger, I found level 1 troops + wall repair is enough to deal with the final wave, the dragon is almost useless comparatively


Literally 1884


It's been a while I haven't had such fun on a little strategy game, very well done :)

good i had selizer



I love this game


I've spent ages playing this. Looking forward to more.

Could you please consider the MacOS release?


Use whiskey? Can run most of the itch games with that




here's our coverage of "The King is Watching":

we'd love to see more of it!

truly engaging demo!!! really looking forward tto the full release of your game!!! i did play through the demo during the followathon event of mine :)
ps. the timestamp is already set to check the part where i am playing through this demo :) 




I've played this a few times now. It's clear I want more of this.

2024 <3

Great game! Made it to “-16” waves left in endless mode. Does the arena’s 30% bonus damage stack when you have multiple arenas?

What is endless mode? :0

The web version on says “new endless mode” :D Looks like the waves counter was patched in the recent update.


el rey es wachin :v

Great game, loved the idea of indirect control.

As a bit of game design feedback, in my run, I found the clay resource almost useless. I almost never had to use it and by the end of the game, I had a lot of it left, compared to the other resources.

Глина нужна в первую очередь для починки стен.
В релизной версии игрок сможет сам составлять колоду из строений, поэтому глина будет использоваться в большем количестве направлений

Про стены понял, мне просто как-то повезло обойтись без починки до самого конца (пока всех моих бойцов не вынес последний босс и в целом глина мне уже не успела помочь, но это уже мой огрех))).
Здорово что работаете над этим!


I really enjoyed this, the combination of the sweet pixel art and the relaxing music makes for a great experience and I really zened out while playing. I'm excited to see where this game goes moving forward as you continue to work on it 

Thank you!

the good one



This is such a great idea. Well done! Lots of fun :)



This was such a cool and fun game to play! The mechanics were simple and the gameplay was fun. Loved the way the game made me strategize how to use my resources. I didn't survive all 11 waves but I will be playing again! Good Game! 

thank you for play! <3

Hey, loved the game but want to report a problem (don't have Discord) with the UI_fix2 build. I have been able to beat all waves but for some reason I couldn't produce any dragon even I had (more than) enough flour and an active tile. No problem on the browser version.

hi, thx!
Pls check units limit, i think that's the problem

Oh I see it might be that I never saw that there were a units limit LOL


the game is great, the game disign is very in touch with the univers and the gameplay is so good. Did you planed some update with more monster , maps ,ect... (maybe a paid game on steam ?) 


hey, thx! we have discord and developer steam-page
We are already creating a game and it will be available in 2024


Great! Good art, good game design. I got hooked.



What a great jam game.  Bravo.  I had fun with this one and found myself wanting to come back for another try.  Fun mechanics, nice balance and pacing, nice use of the theme.  Really good work.

thank you!

your welcome

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